Tourism demand is increasing worldwide and it can be a major source of economic development of a country.
The case of maritime tourism in Greece, because of its geographical location, its coasts and islands, plays a critical role in the country’s economic growth. In this way marinas, which are usually called the big leisure ports, are considered to be very significant facilities (Diakomihalis 2007).
The present research aims to assess and analyze the visitors’ feedback in the touristic port of Linaria-Skyros and also how the environment acts as a pull factor. The choice of Linaria port was made because of its great touristic interest, its innovative features as well as the environmental protection and training activities in house. Other surveys in the past like “Naxos Guest Satisfaction Survey” (Hotel Association of Naxos, August to October 2012) have been conducted with the use of questionnaires and personal interviews putting emphasis however mainly upon the guests’satisfaction.
For this assessment, the guestbook of the port of Linaria was used, and we came up with conclusions regarding the quality of the port as well as tourists’ psychological identity. The guestbook used here, contains comments from 2012 to 2014, based on free expression of individuals’ need to share their Skyros port experience.
In the first place all comments and keywords of the guestbook were treated as a total for all the years covered. Secondly, they were separated based on the year they were written, their quality and their content, so as to allow the comparison of the results. Tourists have shown more interest in organization and the provided services of the port. Also, some tourists claimed extension of their stay from 2 to 10 days. According to the findings, the image of the port and the staff appeared to be the main reasons of tourists’ positive impressions, satisfaction, their willing to extend their stay and to visit the island again in the future.

Λέξεις κλειδιά: Linaria’s port guestbook, maritime tourism, visitors’ impression, tourists’ satisfaction, comments and feelings, facilities, port services


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